Welcome to the Duquesne University Net Price Calculator

We designed our Net Price Calculator to help families like yours plan for the costs associated with attending Duquesne. Upon completion, you will receive a personalized estimate of your net cost, which includes any scholarships and financial aid that you might qualify for. We understand how important it is to make informed financial decisions about your future, and we want to help you get the information you need in order to do so.

Please keep in mind…
• This is not an application for admission or financial aid.
• The results are based on the data you provide
• Actual net cost information is provided after admission to Duquesne University. A Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be completed to be eligible for aid (during the year of application to the University). Duquesne’s school code is 003258.
• The estimates generated apply to U.S. citizens and permanent residents only; international students should contact the Office of Global Engagement .

Before you begin…
Before you begin our quick 10-15 minute assessment, it would be helpful to have these items available for reference:
• Household income details (adjusted gross income from most recent tax year)
• High school GPA
• SAT or ACT scores, if applicable

To start estimating your college expenses, or Continue as Guest.

To start estimating your college expenses, or Continue as Guest.