Welcome to Whitman College’s Net Price Calculator!

This is a tool best used early in your college search (sophomore and junior years) to learn about college costs. It provides an estimate of how much financial aid you might expect to receive if you attend Whitman College—and your expected family contribution.

Using information that you provide, the net price calculator estimates the amount of scholarship and other financial aid that may be available to you as well as the amount you will need to pay. Keep in mind that other factors may affect your aid award, but the NPC can provide the approximate cost for attending Whitman.

For a much more accurate financial picture, starting July 1 before your senior year we recommend that you request an Early Financial Aid Guarantee. Our financial aid officers will personally build your financial aid package, and admission officers will confirm the amount of merit scholarship you will receive. We'll tell you exactly how much attending Whitman will cost you. In fact we'll guarantee it.

If you have any questions about the Net Price Calculator or Early Financial Aid Guarantee, our Office of Financial Aid is happy to work with you, just give them a call!

To start estimating your college expenses, click Log In. If you don't have a ShoppingSheet.com account yet, register to create one. By creating an account and logging in we will be better able to work with you as you move forward in your college application process. If you prefer not to create an account, you may Continue as a Guest to receive your net price estimate.

To start estimating your college expenses, or Continue as Guest.