Welcome to the University of Scranton Net Price Calculator

Use this calculator to make an early estimate of your total annual cost of attending The University of Scranton. The results are an estimate based on the current University of Scranton costs and do not represent any guarantee of cost or your actual financial aid award. Your actual financial aid eligibility will be determined by the Scranton Financial Aid Office.

Estimated costs are for first-time, first-year undergraduate students (freshmen). Current students and prospective transfer students should contact The University of Scranton Financial Aid Office for information on available financial aid. This calculator estimates eligibility for The University of Scranton’s merit-based and need-based aid, federal student aid and the Pennsylvania state grant.

We are going to ask questions about you, your family, and your financial situation. It is a good idea to have last year's income and current asset information available before you begin.

The Net Price Calculator is an important tool in identifying the type of financial aid for which you might qualify. Our financial aid professionals are also available to work with you one-on-one. Contact our office at (570) 941-7701 or [email protected]

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