Welcome to the official Kansas Wesleyan University Net Price Calculator.

Did you know that 100 percent of full time KWU students receive some form of scholarship
or financial aid?

KWU works hard to make its personalized, practical education affordable to students and families who want the individualized Christian liberal arts experience we offer.

This tool is designed to help you and your family estimate your financial aid options at KWU. Please be sure to complete the entire process to ensure the best possible results. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Admissions at [email protected] or (785) 833-4305.

Please note: The Net Price Calculator only provides a net price estimate, and is based on costs for the 2018-19 academic year at Kansas Wesleyan University. The exact cost to attend KWU will be based on tuition and fees set by Kansas Wesleyan University for the academic term in which you enroll and can be determined only after an official review has been completed of your admission and financial aid application information.

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