Welcome to Corban University’s Net Price Calculator.

Corban University’s net price calculator helps you get an early estimate of how much financial aid you may qualify for at Corban University and what your cost of attendance may be. We hope this tool will assist you and your family in your financial planning for college.

Keep in mind that, while this is a helpful tool as you evaluate college options and potential costs, it is not a guarantee of aid. You may receive more or less than what is estimated. It is in your best interest to wait until you receive your official financial aid offer before you make a decision about where to attend college.

The Net Price Calculator is designed for full-time undergraduate students at Corban University. Cost and aid estimates are based on current 2023-2024 figures and award guidelines and assume a student will submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Actual award amounts may change for the 2024- 2025 academic year.

The FAFSA opens in December 2023 for the 2024-2025 school year. File as soon as possible for the best financial aid opportunities.FAFSA® Application | Federal Student Aid. CORBAN FAFSA CODE: 001339

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