Welcome to Binghamton University's Net Price Calculator, an invaluable tool for families planning educational costs. By clicking on the link below and entering relevant information, you will receive an estimate of your financial aid package. This estimated package encompasses a projected 'net price,' reflecting the estimated costs of attendance minus anticipated need-based grants and loans.

Tailored for full-time undergraduate domestic students, the Net Price Calculator provides cost and aid estimates based on current figures and award guidelines and assumes that students will submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Graduate students are encouraged to explore financial aid opportunities specific to their academic pursuits, while international students can investigate private sources of aid designed for them.

It is crucial to note that this aid estimate is not a final determination or actual award of financial assistance. This estimate is non-binding and is subject to change. To be eligible for and receive an actual financial aid award, including federal grants, loans, or work-study assistance under federal Title IV regulations, students must complete the FAFSA.

As you navigate the calculator, keep the following points in mind:

  • ∙ This is not an application for admission or financial aid.
  • ∙ The reliability of results depends on the accuracy of the data provided; consider having recent tax forms or financial statements on hand.
  • ∙ The net price calculator provides only an estimate of your net price and aid eligibility; the financial aid office has the final say on your financial aid award.
  • ∙ To formally apply for Financial Aid, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), using Binghamton’s School Code 002836.

Before estimating of your college expenses, please or Continue as Guest.It's important to remember that the estimate provided by this net price calculator does not signify a final determination or actual offer of financial assistance. The cost of attendance and financial aid availability may change, and this estimate is not binding.

To start estimating your college expenses, or Continue as Guest.